

Leonor Villagra


Oil Painting Contemporary

Latin American



"...In Leonor Villagra’s work we note an organized symbiosis of the great past of her own cultural and actual Latin-American roots with the cultural influence of the old European continent..This could indeed be a source for artistic and cultural globalization ..."

Jorge Zavaleta Alegre,

journalist “Síntesis”, Lima-Peru 2001".




Lima, Perú

Studied Art at the Academy of Fine Arts; in Lima and Brussels.

Economy at the University Ricardo Palma in Lima.

And then travelled; exhibit extensively in Belgium, France, Sweden, Germany,

Gr.D. de Luxembourg, Netherlands, Italy USA,, Perú.

Leonor had an oil painting invited in 2003 at Florence Biennale.

Participate in the "IV Encounter of Enterprising and Successful Peruvians Residents

abroad – Prize Peruvian Pride 2011", in Lima.



"... she likes to paint frescos. Her Latin American crowds are moving and colourful, her palette is extremely vigorous" Anita Nardon, Art critic and member of the Art Partners Center, Brussels-Belgium



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